Subnetting is the process of Dividing a single network into multiple smaller network. It helps in minimizing the wastage of IP Address.

Subnetting can be performing in two ways,
FLSM(Fixed Length Subnet Mask) – where we divide the network into equal sizes.
VLSM(Variable Length Subnet Mask) – where we divide the network maybe equal or maynot be equal.

Subnetting can be done based on requirement,
Requirement of Hosts? (2)h-2 >= requirement
Requirement of Networks? (2)n >= requirement
Subnets? 2^n; n is a converted network bits from host bits
H = Host Bits N = Network Bits
What we do in subnetting,
Converting Host bits into Network Bits (reducing number of host bits), i.e., converting 0’s into 1’s

2power table which helps in creating of FLSM,