- ACL is a set of rules which will allow or deny the specific traffic moving through the router

- It controls the flow of traffic from one network to other via router

Types of Access-list:

Numbered ACL – set of rules identified by a number(e.g., ACL-120)

Named ACL – set of rules identified by a name(e.g., ACL-CCNA)

Standard ACL

- It can be a named or numbered

- The access-list number range is 1 - 99 (or 1300 – 1699)

- It can block a Network, Host and Subnet (not a selected services)

- All services are blocked

- Filtering is done based on only source IP address

ACL Rules:

- ACL works in sequential order

- Deny to be give first (preferred)

- It must have at least one permit statement

- If no statement matches ACL will drop the traffic by default

- Two ACL can be implemented on every interface (in/out)

Extended ACL

- It can be named or numbered

- The access-list number range is 100 – 199 (or 2000 – 2699)

- We can allow or deny a Network, Host, Subnet and Services

- Selected services can be blocked

- Filtering is done based on source IP, destination IP, protocol and port number
Operators used in extended ACL:

Equal to = eq

Not Equal to = neq

Greater than = gt

Lesser than = lt

Named ACL:

- Access-lists are identified using Names (instead of numbers)

- Names are Case-Sensitive

- No limitation of Numbers here

- Main advantage is editing of ACL is possible (i.e., removing of specific statement from the ACL is possible)

Named ACL – Standard:

Router(config)# ip access-list standard <name>

Router(config-std-nacl)#<permit/deny> <source address> <source wildcard mask>

Router(config)#interface <interface type> <interface number>

Router(config-if)#ip access-group <name> <out/in>

Named ACL – Extended:

Router(config)#ip access-list extended <name>

Router(config-ext-nacl)#<permit/deny> <protocol> <source address> <source wildcard mask> <destination address> <destination wildcard mask> <operator> <service>

Router(config)#interface <interface type> <interface number>

Router(config-if)#ip access-group <name> <out/in>