The Dynamic Web Application may make the most of scripts to call up some functionality in the command line on the web server to process the input that received from the client and unsafe user input may lead to OS command injection.

OS command injection is refer as shell injection attack arise when an attacker try to perform system level commands through a vulnerable application in order to retrieve information of web server ot try to make unauthorized access into server.

Framework (Java, PHP and ASP DOT NET) has a flaw that call the system to run the commands into the server.

Verify parameters to inject data:
The following parameters should be tested for command injection flaws, as the application may be using one of these parameters to build a command back at the web server,
→ GET: In this method, input parameters are sent in URLs
→ POST: In this method, input parameters are sent in HTTP body
→ HTTP header: Applications frequently use header fields to discover end users and display requested information to the user based on the value in the headers

Some of the important header fields to check for command injection are,
→ Cookies
→ X-Forwarded-For
→ User-agent
→ Referrer

Using any of the vulnerable scanner attacker may come to know that the targeted web application is vulnerable for command injection and try injecting system level unwanted command using Meta character.
Metacharacter are symbolic operators which are use to separate actual command from unwanted command. The ampercent (&) was used as a separator that would divide the authentic input and the command that you are trying to inject.

In this entire exercise, We will be using “OWASP Mutillidae”

To locate command injection vulnerabilities we can send input into vulnerable field and then observer the response coming back from the application.
We can use the different symbols that shell will interpret as a separator between two commands.

OS Command Injection Operators:
The developer possibly will set filters to obstruct the some metacharacter. This would block our injected data, and thus we need to try out with other metacharacters too.

Operators with description,
; → → The shell would run all the commands in sequence separated by the semicolon
& → → It separates multiple commands on one command line. It runs the first then moved to second command
&& → → It runs the command following && only if the preceding command is successful
|| (Windows) → → It runs the command following || only if the preceding command fails
|| (Linux) → → Redirects standard outputs of the first command to standard input of the second command
‘ → → The unquoting metacharacter is used to force the shell to interpret and run the command between the backticks. Eg., Variable=”OS version uname -a” && echo $variable
() → → It is used to nest commands
# → → It is used as command line comment

Types of Command Injection:
Error based injection: When attacker injects a command through an input parameter and the output is displayed on the certain web page to proofs that the application is vulnerable to the command injection.
Blind based injection: The results of the command that attacker inject will not displayed to the attacker and no error messages are returned. The attacker will use another technique to identify whether the command was really executed on the server.