01 IP Address Sweep Scan

Ping stands for Packet Internet Groper. Ping sweep is just a technique that can be used to find out which hosts are alive in a network.

Tools: nmap and fping 

02 IP Record Route Attack

Triggers on receipt of an IP datagram where the IP option list for the datagram includes option 7 (Record Packet Route). This option records the route a packet travels to reach a destination. This information may be requested by simply using a ping -R "target" command. The target machine will respond to the echo request with an echo reply whose payload will contain the recorded route of the request. The IP options list contains one or more options that perform various network management or debugging tasks. 

03 IP Source Route Attack

Source routing is a technique whereby the sender of a packet can specify the route that a packet should take through the network. As a packet travels through the network, each router will examine the destination IP address and choose the next hop to forward the packet to. In source routing, the "source" (i.e., the sender) makes some or all of these decisions.

Attackers can use source routing to probe the network by forcing packets into specific parts of the network. Using source routing, an attacker can collect information about a network's topology, or other information that could be useful in performing an attack. During an attack, an attacker could use source routing to direct packets to bypass existing security restrictions. 

04 IP Fragment Denial-of-Service Attack

IP fragmentation, a communication procedure in which IP datagrams are broken down into small packets, transmitted across a network and then reassembled back into the original datagram.

Fragmentation is necessary for data transmission, as every network has a unique limit for the size of datagrams that it can process. This limit is known as the maximum transmission unit (MTU). If a datagram is being sent that is larger than the receiving server's MTU, it has to be fragmented in order to be transmitted completely. 

05 IP Spoofing Attack

01 Ping-of-Death Attack

02 ICMP Flood